Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Welcome To All. I am a Biker. I say Bad Words.

There is nothing here that your 6 year old kid has not heard his dad say. If you don't like bad words you can Fuckin' leave. To my Bro's, welcome, kick back and laugh your ass off. Some of the shit here is real some is not. I leave it to you to judge that for yourself. If your some old Bitch looking for someone to pounce on and save, your in the wrong place. I've been asked why I drink so much. It's simple really, Because I woke up this morning! If I had a nickel for everytime I have been asked to stop, I would go buy another case! I laugh my ass off when some rich asshole runs out of gas and has to walk three blocks to a pay phone to call for a wrecker because he, or she is to fuckin' brain dead to remember to charge thier cell phone. Before my wife died I was pretty much a normal person. Now I have been abused so fuckin' much I don't give a Rat's sweatty balls about anyone or anything including me. There are a few exceptions, (you know who you are). I am convinced that Social Security is trying its best
to drive me to suicide by fucking with me so much. I have no income at all. Try living like that for a week. I condone drug use. If you do them thats your problem, not mine. I condone sex also, unfortunely I have had none in over three years. I fuckin' hate any kind of "manager"
because they don't have any idea how the real world works. Managers stand outside and don't understand just why thier clothes are getting damp. I tell them it's because I'm peeing on
thier leg. I also hate TV commercials. I am not eight years old. I get the concept of life. You work, you eat, you mate, you grow old together you die. I was cruising the web last night and came across some dumbass girl that wanted to know how greaving felt. How it was to feel depressed. I pray to God she never knows. That's fucked up, even for me. I don't know how big this blog will get. This old laptop is the only reason I have to live right now and if you don't believe that I don't give a fuck. Enjoy the page, theres some damn fine readng on it.
My undying thanks to Dave Gardner @ Computer Doctors for the laptop and years of true friendship, And if you live near Corpus Christi, Texas, He IS the man to take your computer to. Jenny Salinas@MHMR for the place to live, Butch Greenwood for his constant support, a hand full of others, and the rest of the fuckin' world can suck a wine-o's dick.Tramp

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